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Monday, 25 April 2016

Keep Running Up That Hill

Yesterday I went to watch the London Marathon for the first time. I'm gonna be honest, but I was brought to tears within about 5 minutes of watching them sail past. And it wasn't just because of all the chafed nipples. 

 About a month and a half ago, one of my best friends Caitlin wrote a list of 30 things to do before she turns 30. I thought this was a nice idea, so being the great friend that I am, I stole it. So far my list only has about 21 things on it.

 photo running_zpslbii0cks.png

But one of the things on it is to be able to run 5k. I'm not entirely sure why I put this on the list. I can't run. I've always hated it. I will rarely run for the bus, and that's about the only time I really consider it. But with the giant trend of people doing #couchto5k, and my appalling lack of exercise, it was probably a good idea. 

 And then one of my friends at work started running, and I thought it would be nice to be able to share playlist songs. And it would actually be quite a bonus not to be a sweaty hyperventilating mess everytime I have to climb a hill or go up the stairs.

So I started running. And I've discovered several things about myself in the process:

 - It doesn't matter how fast or slow I run, I'm still convinced i look like a grasshopper with jazz hands.

- Breathing is HARD. I miss one step and I'm suddenly all over the shop. 

- Music is really helpful. When I find the right song I am off and its all I can think about and it feels good! 

- Except when a good song comes on its surprisingly difficult not to sing out loud (sorry neighbours). 

- I'm a total wimp when it comes to getting out of bed. Especially when it involves going outside *curls up under my blanket* 

- I find it quite hard to fit it in around my crazy work hours. 

But its quite satisfying to be able to do something at least semi regularly. Not only am I succeeding at something, I am proving to work that I can have a life. And that's really important to me.


I'm currently up to 5 minutes of running constantly, and up to about 3k of total running when I go. Which is why yesterday when I looked into the faces of the people in the marathon I could sense so much emotion. The pain and struggle alongside pure determination. It was just raw. And oh so very inspiring. 

I want to be able to say that I can run, instead of dismissing it as a weakness. I'm not sure I'm ever gonna get to the point of running 26 miles. But if I can achieve my goal of 5k, then that will be my version of the marathon. And I will smash it.

   photo safe space bio_zps8jlgrcn3.png

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